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Deputy For Operations Affairs Of INP Calls It Alert for Cyber Threats During the 43rd ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Minggu, 03 September 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. Ahead of the 43rd ASEAN Summit (Summit) which will be held in Jakarta on 5-7 September 2023, the Indonesian National Police (INP) has prepared a thorough and comprehensive security plan. One of the aspects of security carried out by INP is to focus on cyber security before, during, and after the 43rd ASEAN Summit. Deputy For Operations Affairs Of INP, Police Inspector General Verdianto Iskandar Bitticaca, said the police need to pay special attention considering that cyber threats are one of the most serious threats today. "We have profiled and mapped emerging threats. INP will also collaborate with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) to improve cyber security," he said, Friday (1/9/23). In the Forum Merdeka Barat 9 (FMB9): Road to ASEAN Summit 2023, he said that the Police had received a report from BSSN regarding potential cyber threats that could disrupt the progress of the 43rd ASEAN Summit. "There are several potential cyber threats that we need to explore," he said. He said that apart from cyber security, INP will also anticipate various other possible security disturbances, such as demonstrations, terrorism, and other criminal acts. Specifically, to prevent demonstrations, he said that his party would take a persuasive approach. Furthermore, to reduce traffic jams, the Police will implement an open and close lane system on some roads around the event location. This is done to anticipate potential traffic jams that will occur. Apart from the lane closing and opening system, The Police will also implement other traffic engineering, such as diverting vehicle flow and regulating traffic. Police will also place some officers at busy points to regulate traffic. Police Inspector General Bitticaca explained that his party would deploy 6,182 personnel for security. The INP personnel are spread across DKI Jakarta and two buffer areas, namely West Java and Banten. Including being placed in 16 hotels, the ASEAN Building, JCC (Jakarta Convention Center), TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah) as well as locations holding side events. (fa/pr/nm)
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