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Doni Salmanan Was Not Related to Binomo, but Quotex

By Cpiet Minggu, 06 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
  inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The National Police Headquarters (Mabes Polri) explained that the case of binary option trading investment fraud that dragged Crazy Rich Bandung, Doni Salmanan, was not related to Binomo but Quotex application. "Regarding Doni Salmanan, he did not use the Binomo platform but instead used the Quotex platform," stated the Head of the Public Relations Division (Kabag Penum) of the National Police Public Relations Division, Commissioner Gatot Repli Handoko in Jakarta, Saturday (5/3/22). Previously, it was reported that Doni Salmanan was scheduled to be questioned at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the investment fraud case next week. Currently, Doni Salmanan, is officially under investigation, which means that investigators had found an alleged criminal act and immediately determine the status of a suspect in this case. In this case, investigators have examined 10 witnesses consisting of seven witnesses including the reporter and three others who are expert witnesses.
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