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Eight Right Steps to Use Masks Well and Correctly

By Cpiet Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (7) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id- Wearing masks correctly is still a powerful way to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. However, there are still many people who wear masks the wrong way. For example, not covering the nose, lowering it on the chin, even wearing a medical mask in reverse. So how to wear a mask properly? Here are eight ways to wear a mask correctly: 1. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitiser before using a mask 2. Use a clean and undamaged mask 3. Make sure the mask tightly covers the nose, mouth, and chin area 4. Press the top of the mask until it closes and follows the shape of the nose 5. Use a combination of cloth and medical masks for optimal protection 6. Avoid touching the front of the mask 7. Remove the mask from the back 8. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitiser after removing or touching the mask Also, do this before disposing of the mask: 1. Disinfect the mask by immersing it in a disinfectant/ chlorine/ bleach solution. 2. Scissors or damaged so that it cannot be reused. Source: covid19.go.id
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