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Fairy Tales Pushed to be the Medium of Developing Children’s Character Quality

By Cpiet Kamis, 25 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology through the Character Goal Center (Puspeka) aims to strengthen the Indonesian children's Pancasila character value through fairy tales.

“Through fairy tales, we hope it would inspire and motivates the students, teachers, parents, to instill the value contained within the Profile of Pancasila Students in everyday life,” says Head of Puspeka Rusprita Putri Utami in her official statement on Tuesday (7/23/2024).

The fairy tales told to the children can introduce them to many good values in a fun way. Moreover, fairy tales also give the children the opportunity to wonder and be creative without limit.

Rusprita says that in 2045, Indonesia will gain a demographic bonus, where in that year, Indonesia will officially be 100 years old. And before 2045, the government is doing their best to develop the best human resource quality, starting from the children at an early stage.

Regarding this effort, Rusprita is committed to spread the development of a good and strong character value contained in the Profile of Pancasila Students, one of which are through fairy tales.

“Because fairy tales are one of the most effective media in spreading good and strong character values to children,” said Rusprita.

She also noted that with fairy tales, everyone got the chance to take part in developing the next golden generation of Indonesia.

In realizing that goal, Rusprita invites all parties to make the celebration of National Children Day to be the best day for children around the country, to be the day where they can be better and develop into the golden generation of Indonesia.


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