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Family Plays Important Role in Building Children’s Character Amidst Technological Advancement

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Coordinating Ministry for Human and Culture Development believes that family plays an important role in building children’s good character amidst technological advancement.

“Family is the pillar, the first fort, and shield, against waves of information that could affect children’s character,” said the Deputy of Mental Revolution, Cultural Advancement and Sports Achievement Warsito in a written statement on Friday (7/26/2024).

Warsito says that the advancement of information technology, internet, and social media are growing rapidly these days. Various information now can be easily accessed and often unfiltered, causing youth and children to be able to access the sensitive information.

This condition, said Warsito, demands the elderly and adults to monitor and protect the children from the negative information.

Amidst the rapid technological advancement nowadays, the strategic values ​​of mental revolution, such as integrity, work ethic and mutual cooperation will continue to be relevant and needed to build children’s strong and good character.

“Family monitoring plays a vital role in building children’s character,” highlights Warsito.

Meanwhile, the Deputy of Quality Improvement of Girls and Youth Woro Srihastuti Sulistyaningrum says that according to the Statistic Central Agency, one-third of the early aged children from 0-6 years old have been actively using phones.

“This condition is quite concerning and we have to remain vigilant. Children nowadays are the digital native, they were born along with the technological advancement,” explains Woro.


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