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Gorontalo Police Chief Encourages Officers during National Awareness Ceremony

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Gorontalo. The Gorontalo Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol, led the monthly National Awareness ceremony attended by top police officials, police officers, and civil servantse at the Gorontalo Regional Police Field on Wednesday (17/1/2024). During the ceremony, he emphasized that the purpose of the National Awareness ceremony is to instill the values of struggle, discipline, esprit de corps, loyalty, unity, and consciousness among the police force. "This ceremony is expected to be a momentum to enhance performance in carrying out the tasks and functions entrusted to all members of the police force," he said. Chief Yoyol took the opportunity to express gratitude and high appreciation to the personnel of the Gorontalo Police who have shown loyalty and high dedication in carrying out their duties. "We must set an example for the community, and every police officer must cultivate goodness because what we sow is what we will reap," he said (mg/as/pr/nm)
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