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INP Seize 1,259 Illegally Harvested Logs in Kalimantan

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Lamongan. The Directorate of Special Crimes at the Indonesian National Police (INP) Criminal Investigation BoardĀ  has seized 1,259 logs resulting from illegal logging in Central Kalimantan by a company specializing in utilizing timber and natural forest products. The police has named a surveyor at PT. Cakra Sejati Sempurna (CSS) has been named as a suspect for instructing loggers to conduct unauthorized tree felling outside its concession, said Brigadier General Nunung Syaifuddin, the Special Crimes Director, in Lamongan, East Java, on Thursday (18/1/2024). The suspect faces charges under forestry law that carries a maximum prison sentence of 5 years and a fine of up to Rp 3.5 billion. "Regarding the modus operandi, investigation found that PT. CSS engaged in unauthorized tree felling to meet production targets, with suspicions of falsifying forest product documentation, a matter currently under investigation," he explained as reported by antaranew.com Director Nunung said that the case unfolded following suspicions of forestry-related crimes inĀ  Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan. During the investigation, remnants of logging activities and a bulldozer-made road were discovered in proximity to PT. CSS, which is located at Km 58 in Tumbang Baloi Village in Murug Raya regency. The police investigation found that PT. CSS conducted logging activities beyond its 300-hectare concession, with a bulldozer-created road covering 2.41 hectares. A total of 163 remnants of felled logs, equivalent to 1,613 cubic meters, were found. As evidence, the rounded logs of different varieties resulting from unauthorized logging, dispatched from PT. CSS to PT. Kayan Wood Industries (KWI), underwent measurement by experts from the East Java Forestry Office, leading to confiscation. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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