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Govt. Will Focus in Disaster Mitigation Program for Women and Children

By Pramudita Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (241) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Deputy for Protection of Women's Rights of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry, Retna Susianawati underscores the importance of women’s role in disaster mitigation.

“Women often to be the group most vulnerable in emergency situations, however, they can also be the most resilient and give the most contribution in mitigating disaster,” says Ratna on Monday (8/26/2024).

According to her, the increase in women’s role capacity has become the main focus in many disaster mitigation programs as they and other vulnerable groups are often to be the most affected in the emergency situations.

She explains that emergency situations have significantly increased the risk of violence four times more than the normal situation. This is because of limited access to basic facilities, separation from family and community, and lack of privacy and gender-responsive humanitarian assistance.

"The increase in cases of violence has been recorded in several major disaster events such as in Aceh 2005-2006, Padang 2010, and Central Sulawesi 2018-2019," she said.


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