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Health Ministry Prepares 14,000 Reserve Health Workers for Megathrust

By Admin 1 Jumat, 13 September 2024 Pengunjung (29) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Health has mobilized 17,400 reserve health workers in preparation for a potential megathrust earthquake to prevent being caught off guard by a natural disaster that could severely impact the nation.

"We have outlined ten key strategies for disaster risk mitigation and preparedness, including a reserve healthcare program with 17,400 personnel," said Sumarjaya, the Head of the Ministry’s Health Crisis Center, on Thursday (12/9/2024)).

The Ministry is also enhancing emergency communication systems by integrating with the National Command Center. 

"People can access emergency services via the 119 hotline or the Satu Sehat app," he added.

Plans include strengthening hospital capacity and providing disaster training. 

Sumarjaya also highlighted the importance of community empowerment for disaster safety, noting collaborations with the Ministry of Education and disaster training initiatives.



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