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Human Rights Director General, SNPBM Chief Discuss Hearing Aid Issue

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (22) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Director General of Human Rights Dhahana Putra held a dialogue with the Chairman of the National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB), Ganefri, regarding a disabled student being asked to remove his hearing aid during the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK).

The discussion, which also involved Rahmawati, the Head of the Education Testing Management Center (BP3) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, addressed the case of Naufal Athallah. 

Director General Dhahana emphasized that this issue would be an important consideration for improving future UTBK implementations.

He acknowledged the positive steps already taken by SNPMB to accommodate disabled students, such as providing facilities for those with physical and visual impairments.

"Based on explanations from Prof. Ganefri and BP3 Head Rahmawati, we are optimistic that incidents like Naufal’s will not recur," Dhahana on Thursday (18/7/2024).

He stressed the importance of societal awareness regarding the rights of disabled individuals to prevent discriminatory actions.

"We believe in the mainstreaming of human rights, especially for disabled individuals, to foster adequate awareness and prevent discriminatory behavior," Director General Dhahana noted.

He also highlighted ongoing efforts to integrate human rights into regulations, especially with the recent issuance of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 16 of 2024 on Human Rights Mainstreaming Guidelines in Legislative Formation.


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