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Two Americans Sentenced to Three Months for Assaulting Pecalang in Bali

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (26) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar. The Denpasar District Court in Bali sentenced  on Thursday (18/7/2024) two American nationals, Aabed Attia (27) and Zeyad Ahmad Attia (30), to three months in prison for assaulting a village security officer known as pecalang and a villa manager.

The court found the defendants guilty of assaulting I Ketut Rai Arya Yasa (50), who was attacked with an iron rod after reprimanding them for playing loud music at a villa in Seminyak, Badung. 

Chief Judge I Putu Suyoga declared that the defendants had committed violence together, as stipulated in Article 170, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code.

"The court sentences Aabed Attia and Zeyad Ahmad Attia to three months in prison, with the time already served to be deducted from the sentence," he said.

The verdict matched the prosecution's demand, and both the defendants and the prosecution accepted the ruling.

The incident, which took place on 22 April 2024, was triggered by a complaint about loud music from the villa. The pecalang, along with a security guard, had approached the defendants to ask them to lower the volume. The confrontation escalated when the pecalang was attacked by the defendants, resulting in serious injuries.

Both defendants expressed regret, cooperated during the trial, and had already reached a peace agreement with the pecalang. They also covered the medical expenses for the injured party. However, the villa manager did not agree to a settlement, leading to the court case.


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