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Immigration Office Detains Pakistani National for Illegal Entry

By Cpiet Rabu, 13 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar.  The Denpasar Immigration Office has taken into custody a Pakistani man, identified as MT, at the Immigration Detention House  due to an illegal entry . Iqbal Rifai, the Head of the Intelligence and Immigration Enforcement Section at the Denpasar Immigration Office, confirmed on on Tuesday (12/12/2023) that MT is being held at the Detention House awaiting the initial hearing at the Denpasar District Court scheduled for Thursday. Records from immigration authorities reveal that this 23-year-old man has entered Indonesia through Jakarta in late August 2023, arriving from Malaysia from Abbottabad in Pakistan via a fast boat, antaranews.com reported During this journey, his movements were discreet, with his eyes covered until reaching Jakarta. Subsequently, he continued his journey by bus, traversing overland to reach Bali on 30 August 2023. Upon arrival in Bali, MT, as per his statement, was guided by an agent to the nearest police station in Denpasar. The local authorities then directed MT to the Denpasar Immigration Office, where he intended to apply for an extension for his stay permit and visa. However, during routine checks by immigration officials, it was discovered that his passport lacked a visa, and there was no evidence of a landing stamp. Under the provisions of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration, MT is facing charges under Article 113 juncto Article 9, which carries a potential sentence of up to one year and a maximum fine of IDR 100 million. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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