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Indonesia Ready to Lend Hands in Providing Medical Aids to Palestine

By Cpiet Selasa, 10 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian Health Ministry Budi Gunadi Sadikin states that his party is ready to collaborate with Foreign Ministry in facing problems at Gaza Strip, Palestine. The Gaza crisis, which Indonesia condemns and needs to be resolved to its root, has left many hospitals destroyed due to the Israeli strikes. “We have not received any report from Gaza (regarding damaged Indonesian hospital),” says Budi Gunadi in his official statement on Thursday (10/10/2023). He then adds regarding humanitarian aids to Gaza Strip, his party is ready and would follow the policies from the Foreign Ministry. “For me, I would follow the policy of Mrs. Minister. All citizens must be protected,” says Budi. He says that he would communicate it first with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi. “I would contact her for further coordination,” says budi. The Israeli strikes in Gaza Strip, Palestine, have reportedly cause an Indonesian citizen died. The victim reportedly worked in an Indonesian Hospital. According to Palestine Health Ministry, at least 198 Palestinians died in Gaza Strip after Israeli brutally strikes the city. The ministry reports there are more than 1,600 wounded Palestinians. On the other side, Hamas strikes on Israel has left 70 Israeli died and 545 injured. (ad/ndt/pr/nm)
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