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Innovative and Accountable Development of AI Tech is a Must

By Admin INP Rabu, 08 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (100) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Communication and Digital Minister Meutya Hafid reminds that the development of AI technology in Indonesia must be established creatively, innovatively, and responsibly.

Amidst the enthusiasm of the potential technology, Meutya noted on the importance of maintaining balance between free of speech, copyrights protection, and strict monitoring on AI implementation.

“We are so proud of the Indonesian youths that are getting more creative in developing AI based solutions. We pray that the innovative creation based on AI from Indonesia will continue to flourish although its core technologies are still imported,” says Meutya on Tuesday (1/7/2025).

Although the tech could boost creativity and innovation in various sectors, Meutya insisted on strict monitoring on AI Implementation to prevent copyright infringement or other digital ethics.

“We can learn from the others, such as in Europe who have taken their first step in developing AI. From there, we can take valuable lessons in formulating policies that are relevant with us,” explains Meutya.

According to her, Europe is currently the best example in developing AI with a balanced approach between innovation and monitoring. Therefore, the Ministry of Communication and Digital is working together with the German government on various best practices in developing digital tech.

Moving forward, the Ministry of Communication and Digital will be open for public input regarding the AI technologies. The approach of AI tech monitoring by the ministry will involve various stakeholders and will consider all inputs from all parties.


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