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INP and Indonesian Military Collaborate to Inspect Boat Safety for ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Rabu, 03 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (18) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Labuan Bajo. The West Manggarai Sub-Regional Waters Police Unit, the Labuan Bajo Naval Base (Indonesian Navy), and the Port Authority (KSOP) of Labuan Bajo have been collaborating to ensure the success of the upcoming 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo. As part of their efforts, they are conducting meticulous inspections of tourist boats departing from Marina Port Labuan Bajo and heading towards the Komodo National Park area in West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).

West Manggarai Sub-Regional Police, represented by the Head of Water Police Unit Police Senior Inspector I Wayan Merta, stated that aside from the summit's official events, delegates and their entourages will also have the opportunity to explore the tourist attractions in Labuan Bajo, including world-class destinations such as Komodo Island, Rinca Island, and Padar Island.

"To ensure the security and comfort of our guests, we have been conducting boat feasibility checks for several days," he said on Tuesday (2/5/2023).

The boat inspections aim to ensure that safety equipment, navigation, captaincy completeness, and the boat's overall condition meet the necessary standards in order to provide a convenient and safe alternative for tourists and delegates

"Most importantly, we ensure safety and the availability of life jackets, communication tools, and GPS," he added.

In order to ensure the smoothness of the event, he urged to the owners of tourist boats to temporarily move the boats to the prepared mooring areas around Monkey Island, Wae Cicu Waters, and Pede Beach.

"We urge boat owners to move their boats to prepared mooring areas around Monkey Island, Wae Cicu Waters, and Pede Beach from April 28 until May 13, 2023, so as not to disrupt the smooth sailing flow, route systems, traffic procedures, and mooring areas in accordance with their interests during the ASEAN Summit," he concluded.


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