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INP Head of Security Maintenance Board Commences Pre-Operation Training for 42nd ASEAN Summit

By Cpiet Rabu, 03 Mei 2023 Pengunjung (21) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - West Manggarai. The security measures for the 42nd ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo will be divided into two stages of main events and side events, taking place from May 6-13, 2023, the Head of Security Maintenance Board of Indonesian National Police (INP) Commissioner General Mohammad Fadil Imran stated on Wednesday (3/5/23).

"This morning, the Komodo Operation Task Force for the Security of the ASEAN Summit 2023 had carried out the first stage, namely pre-operation training aimed at providing an understanding of the duties, functions, and roles of each element within the task force," he said.

The task force will be controlled by the the Head of Operation Administration controlled through a command center. The units involved consist of the INP Headquarters and the East Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, with a total of 2.657 personnel ranging from the pre-emptive task force to the support task force.

"There are eight task forces involved in the security measures, namely pre-emptive, preventive, legal, operational, public relations, operational support, and counter-terrorism task force," he explained.


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