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INP Assures Good Service in Pasar Senen Train Station

By Cpiet Minggu, 07 April 2024 Pengunjung (16) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo assures that people travelling by train in the homecomi g season has been served well. The statement came following his direct review at Pasar Sene Train Station with the Indonesian Military Force (TNI) Commaned, General Agus Subiyanto and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi on Saturday (4/6/2024). "Today we have the chance to directly review the situation at Pasar Senen Train Station. This particular train station is a favorite among the people. On the other hand, we also make sure the station's preparation, both in security and train schedules," says Sigit after reviewing the station and interacting with the people. According to the data of Indonesian Train, there are 20,800 people using the service of train. Furthermore, the data also reveals that online ticket serving also goes well. "What's amazing is those who were late for the train were given chances to get on the next train," said Sigit. In security sector, according to their review and conversation with the people, Sigit assessed that everything is under control. "And in general, as of today the security factor in the station is well under-control and no criminal actions occured here," said the police chief. Sigit stressed to all homecoming travelers to immediately report any criminal activities, as military-police personnel and related stakeholders are continuing their security. In the end of the occassion, Sigit emphasized his party's commitment in creating a smooth, safe, and comfortable travelling atmosphere. (ad/ta/pr/nm)
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