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INP Chief Boosts INP Trust to 76.4%, Applauded by Student Activists

By Cpiet Senin, 13 November 2023 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The leadership of Indonesia's National Police (INP) under General Listyo Sigit Prabowo received appreciation from the Central Leadership of the Indonesian Muslim Student Union Women (PP SEPMI-WATI) and the Grand Initiator of the Struggle of the People (PB Inspira) following the latest survey by Indikator Politik Indonesia showing a significant surge in public trust towards Polri, reaching 76.4 percent. Rizqi Fathul Hakim, Chairman of PB Inspira, attributed this increase to the INP Chief's internal reform strategies, emphasizing the positive impact of his continuous dedication to community service. "The outcomes of his strategies have yielded commendable results that we can all feel. His commitment to serving the community has been a key factor in the rise of public trust in the INP," he said  over the weekend. Riz highlighted that the creation of a harmonious internal environment within the INP has made it easier to achieve collective goals and aspirations. Izmihani Pertiwi, Chairwoman of PP SEPMI WATI, added that the increase in public trust is a consequence of General Sigit's leadership skills. "This is undoubtedly a result of General Sigit's competence in leading this institution. We have all witnessed the remarkable performance under his leadership, from impartial law enforcement to enhancing national security stability, creating a harmonious environment within the INP, and maintaining synergy with the IndonesianMilitary in serving our nation,"she said. Pertiwi was confident that the current 76.4 percent trust level will continue to rise as the INP, under the guidance of a visionary leader, utilizes its position to accommodate the interests of the Indonesian people. "With 95.9 percent of the population feeling secure in their current residences, Polri remains an inspiration for the inhabitants of the archipelago! Bravo Polri, continue to inspire the people of the homeland!" she said. (mg/my/pr/nm)
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