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BNPT Chief Calls for New Approach to Terrorism Sentencing

By Cpiet Senin, 13 November 2023 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Commissioner General Rycko Amelza Dahniel of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) proposed a paradigm shift in sentencing terrorism convicts, urging a move away from fixed terms to prioritise transformative changes in mindset. Speaking in a statement  on Sunday (12/11/2023), he explained that  terrorism laws should measure progress in terms of changed mindsets, not years and that if a convict changes within six months, release should be considered. During a visit to Nusakambangan  Prison Island on Saturday, General Rycko addressed the challenges of the voluntary nature of de-radicalisation programmes outlined in Law No. 7 of 2021. "We need to learn, evaluate and keep the doors open to ways that can open the hearts of Napitans. Let's make the deradicalisation programme a success, so that everyone can change and spread awareness like Umar Patek," he urged. In the same context, the General Director of Prisons, Inspector General Reynhard Saut Poltak Silitonga, asserted that prison officials focus on nurturing, not just punishing. Inmates undergo personal development, religious studies and self-sufficiency programmes. Brigadier General R Ahmad Nurwakhid, BNPT's director of deradicalisation, highlighted the importance of a humanitarian approach to building trust between officials and inmates. Of the 118 terrorism convicts in the programme, Nurwakhid revealed a two-thirds success rate, with 35% pledging allegiance to the NKRI, 27% changing but not pledging, and 38% remaining unchanged. Head of Batu Nusakambangan Prisons Mardi Santoso pointed to challenges, including the shortage of psychologists and the need for better cooperation between BNPT and the Penitentiary Directorate General in various aspects, including the promotion of personality development, religious studies and the upgrading of inmates' skills. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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