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INP PR Division 72nd Anniversary: Clean Water Aid for Drought-Hit Areas

By Cpiet Kamis, 05 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. In commemoration of its 72nd anniversary, the Public Relations Division  of the Indonesian National Police (INP) distributed 1,500,000 liters of clean water to communities in 35 locations across the drought-affected Penjaringan area of North Jakarta on Wednesday (4/10/2023),. Inspector General. Sandi Nugroho, Chief of the INP Public Relations  Division, said that the clean water aid aimed alleviating the dire shortage of clean water plaguing the region due to an extended dry spell and fulfilling the directive of INP CHief General  Listyo Sigit Prabowo "This distribution of clean water aid is not only taking place here, but also at 35 other locations," he said, underlining the wide-reaching impact of the initiative. The INP Chief Spokesperson expressed hope that such benevolent actions would become more frequent in the future, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation within the community. General Sandi highlighted the gravity of the ongoing drought situation, noting that it has captured the attention of the INP Chief and the entire INP top brass. As a result, the distribution of clean water aid has been being undertaken on a comprehensive scale, extending from the regional police departments to sub-district police departments. He stressed the importance of preventive measures to mitigate the effects of the water crisis in the long term, calling on the community to use the clean water wisely and thanking INP officers for their unwavering dedication to serving the public. (mg/ay/hn/nm)
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