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INP Uncovers TPPO Syndicate Selling Kidneys to Cambodia

By Cpiet Jumat, 21 Juli 2023 Pengunjung (77) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) has uncovered an international human trafficking crimes (TPPO) syndicate in Bekasi that sold victims' kidneys to Cambodia. The syndicate has trafficked 122 people so far, said the Chief of Metro Jaya Regional Police Inspector General Karyoto on Thursday (20/7/23). "A joint team from the Metro Jaya Regional Police, the General Crimes Investigation Directorate of Metro Jaya Regional Police, the Bekasi Metro Sub-Regional Police under the assistance of the Directorate of General Crimes of INP Criminal Investigation Agency, and the INP International Relations Division, has exposed a case of human trafficking with the modus operandi of exploiting and selling human organs to the Cambodian network," he said. The collaborative efforts of the police led to the arrest of 12 suspects in connection with this case, including two police officers and an immigration official. However, he clarified that these two individuals were not affiliated with the syndicate. As previously reported, the police had suspicions regarding this TPPO case, involving the illegal buying and selling of kidneys. The illicit activities were traced back to Perum Vila Mutiara Gading, Viano IX Street, Setiaasih Village, Tarumajaya District, Bekasi Regency. The victims were allegedly taken to Cambodia first, where they would undergo kidney removal surgery, he said. (ndt/hn/um)
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