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Intercepting a Clash Between Two Gangsters, Police Arrested Eight Teenagers

By Cpiet Selasa, 11 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id –  The police managed to secure eight teenagers from two gangster groups who were about to clash in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City (Tangsel). They were secured from two groups of teenagers who brawled on Sunday (9/10/22), early in the morning. The South Tangerang Police Chief, AKBP Sharly Sollu, revealed that the arrest of the eight teenagers started with the arrest of one of them who was involved in the brawl. He was initially secured by the locals around the location of the brawl. Previously, these two groups of teenagers agreed to clash in the Parigi Lama area, Pondok Aren, with an agreement on social media. "The arrest of eight children who were involved in the brawl started from the arrest of one of them, with the initials of FA, by local residents. After being interrogated, FA had lied by claiming to be a victim of robbery, "explained the South Tangerang Police Chief, Monday (10/10/22). After being pressed, FA finally admitted that he was part of a group of teenagers who were going to clash with certain groups. They agreed to fight with other groups. “When the FA and the rest arrived at the agreed fighting location, the locals came to prevent them. Panicked, FA fell from his motorbike and his other friends left him at the scene," added AKBP Sharly.
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