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Jayapura Regent Believes Election Participation in Papua will be High

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (12) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jayapura. Counting down the 2024 election days, Jayapura Regent Frans Pakey hopes that people’s participation would reach above 90 percent. Frans told that the 2024 General Election process has long began in Papua General Election Commission (KPU). Amidst the bustling work of Papua KPU in distributing the logistics across the regencies and cities, the ballots continuously sorted out to ensure no damage ballots used for the election. Meanwhile, the political party are on campaign and hopes that the people of Jayapura would give their full support in successing the 2024 General Election. He continued that the support would hopefully continue until the election day where people would flock the polling station to cast their vote. “Our political rights as the people of Jayapura must be fulfilled. This is also part of our support in increasing the participation rate of 2024 General Election” explained Frans. Regarding the election preparation, Frans stressed that all of it has been handled by election organizers including KPU, Election Supervisory Body, and related stakeholders. “The point is, the regional government, military and the police, have given their full support the success of election in Jayapura,” adds Frans. Furthermore, Frans adds that difference in opinion should be seen as usual occasion in democracy and should not be the cause of state discord. He stressed that it is every right of the people to support any candidates they want. (ad/ri/pr/nm)
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