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Kapolri Committed to Improve The Service Quality Index of The Police

By Cpiet Sabtu, 12 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (38) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Sc., expressed his determination to improve the service quality index of Polri in the future. Polri considers the improvement of the service quality index to be an absolute must to make the National Police a modern organization. Increasing the service quality index of the police institution is something that cannot be negotiated anymore. The goal is to meet the expectations of society. To improve the quality of service at the police institution, Thursday, March 10 Kapolri inaugurated the Brimob Rapid Response Force, to respond quickly to what was reported and conveyed by the public regarding the services or presence of Brimob. With this rapid reaction force, anyone in contact with Brimob will get a quick, precise, and transparent answer or confirmation. It also avoids various rumors and hoaxes that are often circulated. Hoaxes often run faster than anticipation and speed up the response from the community's input. In addition to the Brimob Rapid Response Force, Kapolri has also ordered the Divpropam Polri to ensure that every other police personnel or institution has provided the best service, under the applicable SOP. It also ensures that improvements are made to the service quality index from time to time. Indeed, service quality is a form of accountability of government institutions, which is fully financed by taxes financed by the community. As a matter of fact, government institutions, including the National Police, should also provide the best for people whose income has been cut off so that they can feel the service from the Police.
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