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KPU Opens Second Phase for 2024 General Election Polling Station Replacement

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (11) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The General Election Commission (KPU) opens the second phase for people who wants to cast their vote in different polling stations. The registration was open from January 15th, to 7th February. Quoted from the official Instagram of KPU @kpu_ri, it was explained that the regulation has been authorized in KPU Regulation Number 7 of 2022. People who register to change their polling stations if their name was registered in the wrong polling stations as was addressed in their ID card. Other conditions to change the polling stations include: 1. Is on duty elsewhere on voting day. 2. Undergoing inpatient treatment at a health service facility. 3. People with disabilities who are undergoing treatment in social institutions or rehabilitation centers. 4. Undergo drug rehabilitation. 5. Being a prisoner in a detention center or correctional institution, or a convicted person serving a prison or confinement sentence. 6. Pursuing secondary or higher education. 7. Change of domicile. 8. Affected by a natural disaster. 9. Work outside their domicile and/or 10. Certain circumstances outside of the provisions above are in accordance with statutory regulations. Meanwhile, the procedures for applying to move to vote are: 1. Come directly to the Voting Committee (PPS), District Election Committee (PPK), or Regency/City KPU. 2. Bring evidence to support the reason for moving (for example because of an assignment, bring an assignment letter). 3. The KPU will map out the nearest polling stations 4. Voters are given proof from the KPU in the form of A-Voting Transfer Letter. (ad/inp/pr/nm)
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