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We are United Amidst Diversity as Difference is a Natural Thing: Papua Regional Police Chief

By Cpiet Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Papua. In the spirit of unity and harmony, Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri and the Acting Governor of South Papua Apolo Safanpo, attends the Christmas celebration with the people of South Papua. The celebration was held in the field of Soska Bade Building, Mappi Regency on Thursday (1/18/2024) with the theme of “Glory to Allah and Peace be Upon Earth”. In his opening remarks, Apolo wishes the people Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2024. Apolo hopes that the celebration would bring joy and peace to the region. Apolo also invites all parties to maintain order and peace with the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. During the political year of 2024 General Election, the Acting Governor implores people to unite and maintain security to support state democracy going smoothly. “We will experience what we call the democratic festive on February 14th, 2024. Let us together support the election by preserving the situation,” continue Apolo. At the same occasion, Papua Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Mathius D Fakhiri also conveys his wishes for joyful Christmas and underscore the importance of implementing the theme of the event. “The difference in race, religion, culture, and language is something that makes Indonesia unique. Instead divided, we are united by the diversity as difference is something of ordinary,” says Mathius. In his message related to the election, the police chief invites people to continue maintain the tolerance, unity, and peace. Mathius stressed that difference in political opinion is normal in democracy. What’s important is making sure that Indonesia is free from threats of disunity. “The General Election should be the momentum for politician and government officials to demonstrate how peaceful Indonesia is. Power gained from political process is a gift that should be used to glorify God and dedicate oneself to the people, state and country,” closed Mathius. (ad/rd/pr/nm)
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