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Manpower Minister Committed to Prevent Workers from Poverty Following Firing

By Pramudita Senin, 16 September 2024 Pengunjung (328) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah assures that the government is committed to guarantee workers not to go broke and go from middle class to lower class when they are laid off.

In realizing the efforts, the Manpower Ministry launched the Job Loss Insurance (JKP) program. Minister Ida says the government assures that the workers included in the vulnerable list to be BPJS Employment (BPJAMSOSTEK) participants with various programs including Old Age Security (JHT), Work Accident Security (JKK), and Death Security (JKM) who are entitled to receive social security for loss of employment.

“If you were cut from your previous job, we pray that they did not go to lower class from the middle class as they will get social aid. From the JKP, they are entitled to get cash benefits, access to the job market, and the right to receive vocational training," explained the Minister of Manpower on Thursday (9/12/2024).

The benefits acquired from BPJS Employment hopefully could be the protection for the workers, particularly those who are vulnerable to be included in the lower class.

On the other hand, the Executive Director of BPJS Employment Anggoro Eko Cahyo adds that currently 39.2 million workers are protected by BPJS Employment with 2.8 million of them are vulnerable workers.

“These workers are vulnerable to go back into poverty, so our focus now is to protect them,” says Anggoro.

He explains that currently BPJS is collaborating with public figures in all regions to improve programs and benefit literacy while facilitating workers' access to employment social security protection.


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