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Minister Sakti Wahyu Says Pantura Revitalization Program Costed IDR 78 Trillion

By Pramudita Senin, 30 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (141) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jepara. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, said that the North Coast of Java (Pantura) Pond Revitalization program which will be carried out in stages, will use a budget of around IDR 78 trillion.

"A total of 78 thousand hectares will be revitalized. We set that this program will be completed in 2028. The total budget is IDR 78 trillion," he said, as reported by the Antaranews page on Friday (12/27/2024).

Among the areas that will be the focus of revitalization is the West Java section, which covers 20 thousand hectares of the total 78 thousand hectares. This area belongs to the forestry department, which is expected to facilitate the revitalization process and increase effectiveness.

The revitalization process will involve detailed mapping of the area.

This mapping is important to determine the next steps, such as whether the area can be adjusted for certain commodities such as salt or milkfish.

He further mentioned that one of the areas that already has a plan is the salt area in Indramayu, where around 3,000 hectares can be revitalized with a budget of around IDR 500 billion.

KKP will implement an approach that is adjusted to the potential of each region and the type of commodity that can be cultivated.


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