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Ministry Engages Experts to Address Online Motorbike taxi Protest Demands

By Admin 1 Jumat, 30 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (51) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Communication and Information involved experts to discuss the demands of online motorcycle taxi drivers regarding the revision of a clause in Ministerial Regulation No. 1 of 2012 on the Formula for Commercial Postal Service Tariffs.

"The matter is under discussion. The Deputy Minister is coordinating, and experts will be consulted," said Gunawan Hutagalung, the Acting Director of Postal and Informatics Services at the Ministry, following a meeting with the online motorbike taxi driver protestors on Thursday (29/8/2024).

The Ministry aimed to find a solution within a week to address the demands, including the potential deactivation of all ride-hailing apps if progress is not made.

The protestors have given the Ministry a two-week deadline to resolve the issue, threatening to return with larger numbers if no solution is found. 

The focus of the protest is on revising the regulation, which currently allows the market to set postal service tariffs, leading to unhealthy competition among ride-hailing apps and financial losses for drivers.



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