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Mount Semeru Erupts with 600-Meter Ash Column

By Cpiet Minggu, 21 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (14) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Mount Semeru, located on the border between Lumajang and Malang in East Java, erupted again on Sunday (21/7/2024), spewing ash 600 meters above its summit.

According to Sigit Rian Alfian, the Semeru Observation Post officer, the eruption occurred at 08:30 WIB, with the ash column reaching 4,276 meters above sea level. The volcanic ash cloud was white to gray and moved westward, with seismic activity recorded at an amplitude of 21 mm and lasting 83 seconds, according to antaranews.com.

The volcano is currently at "Alert" status (Level II). Authorities have advised against any activities in the southeastern sector along Besuk Kobokan within 8 km of the summit. 

No activities are allowed within 500 meters from riverbanks in the Besuk Kobokan area due to potential lava flow and pyroclastic surge.

The public is also cautioned to avoid areas within a 3 km radius of the summit to prevent risks from falling rocks and to be aware of potential hot ash, lava flows, and lahars in river valleys connected to Semeru's summit. 

The volcano's status was downgraded from "Watch" (Level III) to "Alert" (Level II) on 15 July 2024.

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