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Negotiations Still Underway for Susi Air Pilot's Release: Vice President Ma'ruf Amin

By Cpiet Jumat, 14 Juli 2023 Pengunjung (84) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - West Papua. Vice President Ma'ruf Amin underscored that the ongoing negotiations between the government and the Egianus Kogoya group aim to secure the safe release of Susi Air pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens and to prevent any loss of life. "Our main focus is on conducting negotiations and discussions to ensure the hostage's safe release and avoid further casualties. That is our utmost priority," he said during his working visit to Papua and West Papua on Friday (14/7/23). He further explained that a direct military attack on the Egianus Kogoya group would carry a significant risk of causing multiple casualties. Hence, negotiations are being carried out with the involvement of local governments, community leaders, and religious figures. "Yesterday, we were accompanied by the Commander of the Indonesian Military, who provided an explanation about the plans. We will await the outcome," he said. (ay/hn/um)
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