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Noken Community Development Unit of Mamberamo Raya Planted Sweet Potatoes with Eri Village Farming Group

By Cpiet Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (5) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Papua - Noken Community Development Unit (Binmas Noken) of Mamberamo Raya, with their KASUARI Programme (Welfare for the People), visited Mr Oktovianus Pitawa, one of the leaders of the farming group of Eri village. The visit was conducted on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 09.00, and attended by Police Commissioner Attendant Dorce Sada, Police Brigadier Robert Maryen, and Police Brigadier 2nd Class Abdulloh MK Fatihin. The arrival of the Binmas Noken personnel of Mamberamo Raya Departmental Police was warmly welcomed at the farming land of Mr Oktovianus Pitawa of Eri village. The visitation then continued to talk about the development of peanuts, cassava, and taro plants. Then, the personnel with Mr Oktovianus Pitawa went around the farming lands. The Binmas Noken personnel were once or twice being asked to plant the cassava. This closeness is the effort to build relationships between the Police and the farming community in the Mamberamo Raya and avoiding them from negative actions. Every action is conducted with the hope of advancing the farming of the Mamberamo Raya regency. The activity was ended at 09.45 by the handover of contact facilities of basic necessities to Mr Oktovianus Pitawa.
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