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The KOTEKA Programme of Noken Community Development Unit of Tolikara Met Rev. Agus Kogoya

By Cpiet Jumat, 15 Oktober 2021 Pengunjung (6) 3 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Papua - The inter-religious harmony is the priority of a diverse country such as Indonesia. The ethnicity and cultural diversity could open disputes between groups, just like what happened in Yahukimo last week. Therefore, the Preemptive Unit of Papua Regional Police, which is the Noken Community Development Unit (Binmas Noken) of Indonesian National Police, vigorously promotes KOTEKA Programme (Communication with Political Elites, Community, and Religious Figures). One of the activities is being conducted by Binmas Noken of Tolikara by visiting Rev. Agus Kogoya. The activity was conducted on Thursday, October 14, 2021, at 09.30, at the GIDI Residential Complex of Ebenezer village, Karubaga district, Tolikara regency. The Binmas Noken personnel who are present are Police Inspector 1st Class Widada, Police Chief Brigadier Petrus Hamokwarong, Police Brigadier 1st Class Yordan P Bonay, Police Commissioner Attendant Sarwoko, and Police Brigadier 1st Class Pilipus Samtai. During the morning visit, they talked about the security and order situation in Tolikara regency with the Rev Agus Kogoya. The activity was started by the thank-you sayings from the Binmas Noken team to the Rev Agus Kogoya for his acceptance on the team arrived to meet and greet the administrators and community of GIDI Klasis congregation of Ebenezer village, Karubaga district. "We encourage Mr Rev Agus Kogoya as the religious figure and the administrators and the congregation to maintain security and order situation together in the Tolikara region to stay safe and conducive so that community activities and religious activities in the GIDI church could run smoothly and safely", Police Inspector 1st Class Widada said. The hope also delivered by the Binmas Noken personnel to the Rev Agus Kogoya as the head of the Klasis to always advises the church leaders, religious figures, and all GIDI church congregation of Tolikara to work together helping the Binmas Noken in maintaining their neighbourhood security to ensure its safety so it could lead to a conductive security and order situation in Tolikara. Rev Agus Kogoya, as the respected religious figure, is hoped to get all figures, elements, administrators to always get along and cohesive in serving the congregation. So, if there is any dispute between the Klasis administrators or other problems could be communicated properly and internally, according to the GIDI Klasis regulations. Rev Agus Kogoya, as the religious figure and the head of GIDI Klasis, welcomed the Binmas Noken and was willing to cooperate and support programmes being conducted in the Tolikara in relation to security and welfare. Rev Agus Kogoya and the congregation understands that community security and order could be achieved if the community supports and cooperates with the officers and governments because Police and the community are obliged to maintain security, and they are partners in maintaining security and order in the community. At 10.30, Binmas Noken handed over two bibles and basic necessities packages to Rev Agus Kogoya and concluded the KOTEKA Programme.
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