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North Sumatra PB Assures Event Evaluation for Consumption, Accommodation and Transportation

By Pramudita Minggu, 15 September 2024 Pengunjung (204) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Daily Chairperson of National Sport Week (PON) Central Management (PB) of North Sumatra, Baharuddin Siagian ensures that his party will follow up every criticism and suggestion from Chief de Mission (CDM) related to three important aspects during PON XXI, namely consumption, accommodation, and transportation.

The statement was conveyed during a press conference held by PON XXI Media Center in Medan City on Thursday (9/12/2024). Baharuddin also conveyed that service evaluation was carried out everyday through internal meetings with CDMs.

“Thankfully as of yesterday we have anticipated various things that are considered sensitive. We are committed to ensure all consumption, accommodation, and transportation needs are going according to the plan,” says Baharuddin.

Moreover, Baharuddin explains that every suggestion from CDMs are immediately discussed in daily meeting so that immediate action against the issue can be resolved quickly.

“We assure that the issue related to the three aspects have been resolved. All concerning matters have been evaluated and followed up quickly,” conclude Baharuddin.

At the same time, the General Secretary of North Sumatra PB PON, Armand Effendy Pohan, added that his party had emphasized the importance of giving the best service to all PON XXI participants.

He underscores that his party has brought a positive impact on the development of athletes’ quality of the region.

“This event had a huge impact on the development of athletes in North Sumatra. With the support of infrastructure from the central government, we hope that the athletes, particularly those from North Sumatra, can grow optimally,” says Armand.

Armand adds that North Sumatra PB PON continue to give their best in assuring smooth and comfortable events for every PON XXI participant.


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