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North Sumatra Regional Police Secured and Fined Sand Truck Driver Following Accident

By Cpiet Rabu, 10 April 2024 Pengunjung (16) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – North Sumatra. North Sumatra Regional Police fined the sand truck who caused the traffic jam following an accident in Durin Simbelang, Pancurbatu on Monday (4/8/2024). "The sand truckwas droven by Firman Ginting from Dairi Regency to Medan. When crossing Durin Simbelang, the truck unable to go up and was turned over," said North Sumatra Regional Police PR Chief, Senior Superintendent Hadi Wahyudi. Hadi says that personnel stationed across Medan Berastagi Tanah Karo moved quickly to disperse the traffic jam. The ten personnel managing the traffic immediately helped. "The truck has been secured by Pancurbatu Sector Police and was given punishment by fine," says Hadi. Furthermore, the homecoming and return flow for trucks are limited to anticipate traffic congestions. (ad/ri/pr/nm)
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