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NTB Regional Police Chief Inspects 2024 MotoGP Mandalika Security Preparation

By Pramudita Jumat, 27 September 2024 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Mandalika. Head of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police, Inspector General Umar Faroq assures steady security preparation for MotoGP Mandalika 2024. During the field review of Pertamina Mandalika Circuit Mandalika on Thursday (9/26/2024), the NTB Regional Police Chief and ranks visited several vital posts around the circuit area.

The first post visited by the police chief is the NTB Regional Police Command Center Post which lies inside the circuit arena.

“This post becomes the main coordination center for all security operations during the MotoGP event. This post involves thousands of personnel from various task forces,” says Umar.

Following his visit to the Command Center, he continued his inspection to the Blue Gate Security Post, which is one of the main entrances towards the circuit arena for all spectators. During the inspection, the police chief emphasized the importance of smooth entrance to the circuit and complete security equipment of the post.

Umar says that the posts are not only focusing on security as he also inspects the NTB Regional Police Health Post that has been prepared in the circuit arena.

“This post will provide emergency service during the event of MotoGP with the support from medical personnel that are ready to face many emergency situations that may occur,” says Umar.

The inspection continues to the West Gate Intersection Security Post and the Sunggung 2 Roundabout Security Post, two crucial points in maintaining traffic flow and security around the area outside the circuit.

"These two posts are tasked with regulating the smooth flow of vehicles, both visitors and security personnel," he said.

Furthermore, Umar also checked the preparation of personnel at the Tri Putri Roundabout Security Post and the Body Checking Gate 2 Security Post. The two post will serve as security check areas for spectators before entering the main stands.

“The 2024 MotoGP security is our priority considering this event will be attended by people from around the world. We want to make sure that all personnel is ready and continue to evaluate in order to give the best security and comfort for the event,” concludes Umar.


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