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Online Gambling Triggers Many Negative Effects for Social Public

By Cpiet Selasa, 30 Juli 2024 Pengunjung (68) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Fatwa Commission Secretary of Indonesian Council of Ulama Miftahul Huda says that gambling, in all of its variants, could trigger disparity, chaos, and criminal actions.

“This is because gambling was seen as a shortcut for many people to gain money quickly,” said Miftahul on Saturday (7/27/2024).

For the sake of gambling, many are willing to do anything so that they can continue gambling.

“Other than inviting them to commit criminal actions, gambling also makes them lazy and grumpy,” explains Miftahul further.

Due to many negative effects from gambling, it could also potentially destroy their family as they may sell their wealth and property for the sake of gambling.

With these facts, MUI hopes people would realize how dangerous online gambling is and avoid this activity altogether. Miftahul also hopes that the government would continue to eradicate gambling activities to its roots.


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