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Otanaha Safety Operation Ends Successfully and Smoothly

By Cpiet Senin, 18 Maret 2024 Pengunjung (12) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Gorontalo. Gorontalo Regional Police Traffic Directorate have completed their Otanaha Safety Operation, led by Head of Operational Development, Police Assistant Superintendent Abdul Rachman, at Achmad A. Wahab street, Tuladanggi Village, Gorontalo Regency. Abdul says that throughout the operation, the traffic directorate conduct various education and socialization activities to the traffic users. “Not only providing them with traffic regulation education, we also gave them some stickers containing security messages to comply with traffic signs,” said Abdul. Abdul also states that during the operation, personnel of Gorontalo Regional Police Traffic Directorate are divided into several task forces such as Preemptive Task Force, Preventive Task Force, and Law Enforcement Task Force. “The Preemptive task force is assigned to provide education to the public. Preventive task force is tasked to manage the traffic flow, while law enforcement task force is tasked to act against traffic violators,” explain Abdul in his conclusion. (ad/pt/pr/nm)
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