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Pasir Gintung Market Inaugurates, Jokowi Notes Lively Trade Marks Healthy Economy

By Pramudita Rabu, 28 Agustus 2024 Pengunjung (43) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Bandar Lampung. President Joko Widodo inaugurates Pasir Gintung Market in Bandar Lampung City, Lampung Province, on Monday (8/26/2024).

In his remarks, Jokowi conveys that the more crowded the market, the better the economic situation in the region.

"The existence of productive business activities shows that the economy in a city, a province is running well," he said.

The market revitalization is one of the government's efforts to improve the economy in the surrounding area. For that, President Jokowi advised traders and the surrounding community to preserve the market to be neat and clean.

Meanwhile, one of the market traders, Darmini, revealed that the market before it was revitalized was only on the ground floor. However, after the revitalization into a multi-storey building, according to her, the market conditions are better and cleaner.

Likewise, Sri, another market trader, also welcomed the revitalization of Pasir Gintung Market. She also hopes that the revitalization can increase buying and selling activities in the market.


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