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Peace Prevails in Kenyam After Conflict Resolution: Police

By Cpiet Kamis, 20 Juli 2023 Pengunjung (71) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. The police have announced the successful resolution of a social conflict in Kenyam City, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains Province, through effective mediation. The conflict resolution was marked by a pivotal agreement signed by representatives from the government, security forces, community leaders, and each involved party. Police Senior Superintendent Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Papua Regional Police, attributed the successful mediation to the unwavering support and cooperation of all parties involved. Throughout the mediation process, both parties and all segments of society collectively agreed on achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict. In a written statement on Thursday (20/7/23), he appealed, urging all residents in Nduga Regency to support the government and security forces in fostering a safe and conducive environment to allow economic activities and development across all sectors to flourish. Namia Gwijangge, the Regional Secretary of Nduga Regency, emphasized the crucial significance of resolving conflicts peacefully. He underscored the necessity for the community to unite and work together to propel the region forward. "All parties have reached a consensus to peacefully resolve the conflict and commit to abstaining from any acts of war. As a symbol of peace, representatives from the victims' families and the perpetrators voluntarily surrendered weapons such as arrows and machetes," he said. To address the impact of the conflict, the Nduga Regency Government offered compensation amounting to Rp 2,5 billion to the victims and perpetrators. Additionally, village heads were called upon to actively engage in resolving issues within their respective areas. (ay/hn/um)
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