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Police Investigates Forest Encroachment in Humbahas Following Disaster

By Cpiet Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Humbahas. Ongoing investigation still carried out by North Sumatra Regional Police following the allegations of forest encroachment that caused flash flood and landslide in Simangulampe, Bakti Raja, Humbahas Regency. “Currently deployed team is on the field to investigate the forest encroachment. We have also received all the data,” explains North Sumatra Regional Police PR Chief, Senior Superintendent Hadi Wahyudi on Wednesday (12/13/2023). Hadi adds that he still could not give further details on the forest encroachment investigation in Humbahas. “We are still working on it. We will give further details later,” conclude the PR Chief. (ad/my/pr/nm)
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