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Police Investigates the Possibility of Other Victims in a Sexual Harassment by a Teacher

By Cpiet Kamis, 15 September 2022 Pengunjung (12) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The General Crime Investigation Directorate of Centra Java Police now looking on the possibility of another victim of molestation by a teacher in one of the Junior Highschool of Batang Regency. The suspect is AM (33) with dozens of victims. The suspect was initially arested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of Batang Police after his criminal action was revealed after several victims told their horrendous experience to their parents. Before being reported to the Police, the parents had initially went to the school and confront the suspect. “We are still developing the possibility of another potential victims,” said Commissioner Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro. According to him, before the working as a teacher in a Junior Highshcool, he works as an elementary school teacher. The Director of General Criminal Investigation of Central Java Police stated that the police has prepared a complaint post for another victims of IW. From the total number of the victims, 10 of them were having an intercourse while the other 35 were molested without a sexual intercourse, explained the Director of General Crime Investigation of Central Java Police. The suspect admits that he selected his potential victims through a selection of OSIS members. He adds that he did his actions in OSIS room or in a classroom. Other than processing the suspect, the police also stated that they will also accompany the victims to gone through psychological healing. In those case, the suspect will be charged with Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. “Rest assured, your identity is confidential,” said the Director of General Criminal Investigation of Central Java Police.
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