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Polri: Community is The Focus in The Entire National Development

By Cpiet Minggu, 06 Maret 2022 Pengunjung (7) 3 Mins Read
  inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. When the National Police (Polri) were given the mandate and instructions from the president to implement and realize the entire national development plan towards Advanced Indonesia, it is inherent in the mandate and instructions to create a sense of security, fairness, and certainty in doing business in the country. These aspects are important and needed to attract investment and sustainable development. Without a sense of security, it is difficult for economic investment and development to take place. However, the implementation of Polri's duties in national development does not merely make Polri a mere investment guard. The National Police is not only pro-investment but also fully aware of the nature of Indonesia's national development, namely the development of Indonesian people as a whole and the development of Indonesian society as a whole, Sunday (6/3/22). This development is for the whole society. Thus, development in Indonesia is aimed equally at all communities throughout the country. Indonesian people are the subject and object of Indonesia's development so that development will produce advanced humans and societies with Indonesian personalities. The development is carried out jointly by the community and the government. The community is the main actor in development and the government is obliged to direct, guide, and create a supportive atmosphere. However, there are times when the development process is stumbled upon by conflicts between the stakeholders. This is where the Police play their role in ensuring that the conflict does not harm the implementation of development. The National Police is trying to ensure that every corridor and existing legal framework can be used to resolve these conflicts. The law here is not only in the form of regulations and legislation, but also norms, deliberation, and local values that are mutually recognized. That's why, the National Police considers that every development process must be accompanied by legal development and the formation of legal awareness among the community so that a mutual understanding is formed that every problem can be resolved in an honorable and civilized manner, including through legal channels. The existence of this mutual understanding is increasingly becoming more important because of the very diverse character of Indonesian society. There is no monolithic nature in Indonesian society. In fact, with all due respect, even among the poor, the interests are often dissimilar. It is wrong to claim that a development program will harm the poor. Because there are always other small people who actually feel benefited and support the development program. Therefore, it is not wise to judge a development program based on a class approach. It will be an easy target to trigger a conflict that interferes with larger interests, including security in general. Criticism of development should not be associated with class sentiments, which tend to be more emotional than rationality. The use of civilized legal channels should be the main choice in efforts to resolve differences of opinion in the development process in Indonesia.
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