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PON XXI, A Momentum for Sports Infrastructure Transformation in Aceh and North Sumatra

By Pramudita Jumat, 20 September 2024 Pengunjung (328) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Medan. The 21st National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 will not only make history as the largest sporting event ever held in Indonesia, but will also be a new milestone in the development of international standard sports infrastructure in the provinces. 

The statement was conveyed by the Acting Governor of North Sumatra Agus Fatoni as he stressed that the infrastructures built for PON XXI in the two provinces demonstrates their preparation in hosting the biggest national sports competition.

"This year's PON is not only the largest in terms of the number of athletes and officials, but also in terms of infrastructure. The facilities we have prepared have met international standards, which obviously makes us proud," said Fatoni.

Some of the superior infrastructures built include the Madya Stadium, a magnificent stadium dedicated to various athletic sports. This stadium is prepared to accommodate various major sports championships, including the Olympics in the future.

Then the beach volleyball court which is beautifully located on the shores of Lake Toba, adds to the charm and attraction of the sport. There is also a bowling arena, built with international certification that is ready to hold world-class competitions.

And last but not least, the pride of the North Sumatra, the North Sumatra Sport Center Main Stadium. The monumental stadium which will host the closing ceremony of PON XXI.

The development of these infrastructures are not only seen as a short-term investment to support the implementation of PON, but also as a long-term sports development center in North Sumatra. This facility is expected to spur the growth of sports quality at the national and international levels.

Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Marciano Norman also gave his appreciation for the improvement of international standard sports facilities that were built.

"The infrastructure prepared at PON XXI greatly supports the achievements of the athletes. These international standard facilities reflect the seriousness of North Sumatra and Aceh in holding PON with the best quality," said Marciano.

With all these achievements, North Sumatra and Aceh have not only succeeded in hosting PON XXI, but have also made history as provinces that have built world-class sports infrastructure, ready to compete in the international arena.


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