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PON XXI, Momentum to Evaluate Regional Sports Development

By Pramudita Senin, 09 September 2024 Pengunjung (219) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banda Aceh. Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI), Lieutenant General Marciano Norman, said that the XXI National Sports Week (PON) 2024 will be a real evaluation for sports development in districts/cities and provinces. The biggest sporting event in the country is not just a competition, but an important milestone in producing national athletes who will excel at the international level.

"PON is not just a competition, but also an event to evaluate the extent of sports development that has been carried out by the regional KONI. The athletes who compete are Sports Patriots, peacetime fighters who bring pride to the region and the nation," said Marciano, Saturday (9/7/2024) in Banda Aceh.

He added that PON XXI is expected to not only produce winners, but also athletes who are able to achieve achievements by breaking records. Until now, the Weightlifting sport has done so, which proves that the development that has been carried out has been going well.

"A classy PON is a PON that is able to produce national and international record-breaking events," added Marciano.

Not only achieving at the national level, PON athletes will also be projected to bring Indonesia's name to the international arena. In the National Sports Grand Design (DBON), the government targets Indonesia to enter the top 10 of the 2032 Olympics and the top five in 2044.

Currently, Indonesia is ranked 39th in the Olympics with 2 gold medals and 1 bronze. However, the future target is to win more gold medals at the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.
PON XXI will be opened by President Joko Widodo at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Banda Aceh on Monday, September 9th, 2024 evening.


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