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Realizing Sustainable Future, Govt. Pushes Three Main Priorities

By Pramudita Selasa, 10 September 2024 Pengunjung (229) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Foreign Affairs Minister Retno lestari Priansari Marsudi says there are three main priorities in realizing a sustainable future. First, investing and building green energy.

“Of all the initiatives, our message is clear. We have to ensure that green technologies are used by the public,” says Minister Retno on Sunday (9/8/2024).

According to her, through IISF, Indonesia can tightly collaborate with private sectors, particularly in ensuring investment for affordable green technology development.

“Second is to take advantage of our huge potential in the blue economy. Our blue economy is estimated to be able to generate more than USD 1.5 trillion and also open more than 30 million job opportunities per year,” she explains.

Furthermore, in developing the blue economy potentials, Indonesia has launched Blue Economy Roadmap 2023-2045. The roadmap is to pinpoint the main sectors that have to be developed such as aquaculture and downstream fisheries industry.

“Third is to focus on carbon absorption. As the third largest tropical country in the world, Indonesia has the capabilities to absorb large amounts of emissions,” she concludes.


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