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Preventing Bullying, Communication Groups of PPDS Will Have to be Registered

By Pramudita Kamis, 31 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (160) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Health has asked every communication network group of Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) participants, such as WhatsApp and Telegram, to be officially registered at the hospital to reduce bullying incidents.

The Director General of Health Services at the Ministry of Health, Azhar Jaya, said that the request was stated in a circular as a follow-up to the Minister of Health's instructions regarding the prevention and handling of bullying against students at Teaching Hospitals within the Ministry of Health.

There are four points listed in the circular, first that the communication network group must be registered at the hospital and in the group there must be a department head as a representative of the hospital and a study program head as a representative of the medical faculty for monitoring.

"If an unofficial and unregistered communication network is found, sanctions will be given to the most senior student in the communication network," reads the second point in the circular.

Third, if bullying is found on official communication networks, the department head, study program head, and the perpetrator of the bullying will be given sanctions.

"As a step to monitor this, the Director of Human Resources and Hospital Education of the Ministry of Health is requested to record all communication networks and the data must be completed within one week after the letter is received".


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