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Riau Police Tighten Security to Safeguard 2024 Election Logistics

By Cpiet Rabu, 13 Desember 2023 Pengunjung (10) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Riau. In anticipation of the 2024 general election, the Riau Regional Police has initiated a 24-hour non-stop surveillance operation at 15 election logistics warehouses spread across Riau's 12 regencies and cities. Riau Police Deputy Director of Intelligence and Security Unit Senior Superintendent Efrizal said on Tuesday (12/12/2023) a total of 65 police personnel had been deployed to ensure the security and integrity of the election logistics warehouses. The warehouses are strategically located in various areas, such as Kota Dumai, Kabupaten Kampar,and Kabupaten Pelalawan. The security operation is not limited to stationary surveillance, but also includes regular patrols to ensure comprehensive coverage and vigilance throughout the region. The police personnel assigned to this task have undergone routine training and are equipped with the necessary tools and resources. "Securing the election logistics is our top priority, especially for the Riau Regional Police. We are committed to ensuring that the election process in Riau Province is safe, peaceful and smooth," Deputy Chief Efrizal said. (ar/rz/pr/nm)
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