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Serving the Community, Police Once Again Provides Clean Waters to Drought Areas

By Cpiet Jumat, 06 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Manado. Several regions in Indonesia still suffered from the drought, causing clean water supply depleted. In response to the crisis North Sulawesi Regional Police, along with Manado Sub-regional Police, sends clean water supply to several areas in Manado, such as West Bunaken, Tuminting, and Wanea. The police in their social activity have prepared 40,000 liters of clean water to be deployed. One of the locals stated that they are struggled to acquire clean waters due to the volume of their clean water was depleted, and even gone empty. To meet their water needs, people have to buy it from another place that has a well at a price of IDR 30,000. With the help of the police in providing clean waters, it is hoped that it would ease people’s burden. Police also emphasized that they would continue to provide help and service to the community in any forms. (ad/ri/pr/nm)
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