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Seven Airports Temporarily Closed Due to Mount Ruang Eruption

By Cpiet Kamis, 02 Mei 2024 Pengunjung (23) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. AirNav Indonesia issued  a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) regarding the temporary closure of seven airports around the Sulawesi region on Wednesday (1/5/2024).. 

This step was taken following the eruption of Mount Ruang on Tuesday at 1.30 am local time, as informed by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) with an observed eruption height of approximately 2,000 meters spreading northward.

"Based on preliminary data, a total of 50 flights were affected at the seven airports, comprising 25 departures and 25 arrivals, with approximately 3,842 passengers," said AirNav Indonesia Corporate Secretary Hermana Soegijantoro.

The affected airports were  Gorontalo Airport, Siau/Sitaro Airport, Bolaang Mongondow Airport, Tahuna/Naha Airport (WAMH), Pohuwato Airport, Sam Ratulangi Manado Airport and Pogogul Airport, as reported by antaranews.com.

"AirNav Indonesia will continue to monitor and collaborate with all relevant stakeholders for the latest information and the impact of Mount Ruang's eruption on flight safety and security," said Hermana.


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